Headache Tablets, Pain Relief Medication
Pain Relief Medications and Types of Pain
Although pain relief medications surely can help employees with relief from various types of pain, you should encourage them to seek professional advice. Although most over-the-counter type of pain relief medications are usually safe to take, even taking these medications may only be masking a more serious problem. The following are some basic explanations of the types of pain your employee may encounter and hopefully your employees won't just self-prescribe pain relief medications and headache tablets for a more serious condition.
Pain can be chronic or acute. Acute pain typically comes on suddenly and has a limited duration. Chronic pain lasts longer than acute pain and is generally somewhat resistant to medical treatment.

All Safety Products carries a large selection of headache tablets and other pain relief medications, emergency medical kits and portable eyewash stations. Although pain relief medication and headache tablets aid in temporary pain relief, they are not meant to be a substitute for a physician's care and advice. Please seek out professional advice for chronic pain.
Types of Pain:
Nerve Pain
In understanding this type of pain, when a nerve is injured or compressed it sends pain signals to our awareness as a means of protection. Nerve pain is a type of pain that can produce a variety of unpleasant sensations including: numbness, tingling, burning, searing, piercing, aching, sharp, dull, throbbing, pins and needles, tightness, pressure and pulling. A nerve that has been damaged has some ability to heal. However, if the injury is severe enough, the damage is permanent.
Soft Tissue Pain
This type This is often caused by a tensing or stressed condition, such as back pain, which may be in the form of spasms. Although this may not a permanent injury, it still can create debilitating pain and often accompanies other injuries. First, the tension effects the circulation, which causes a deficit of oxygen that is supplied to the area. This lack of oxygen causes the nerves to bombard the central nervous system with pain signals. The pain is an attempt to warn us that something is wrong.
Another cause of soft tissue pain is from hyper-irritable areas caused by Trigger Points. Trigger Points cause pain that refers to other areas of the body from where they are located.
Still another cause of soft tissue pain comes from inflammation. This generally shows up as tendonitis. (A tendon is the muscle end that attaches it to bone.) Tendonitis is frequently caused by repetitive activities, be they from sports, work or hobbies. The best first treatment for tendonitis is ice or a cold pack to decrease inflammation.
Finally, the connective tissue can also cause pain. This in turn can put a great strain on how areas interact as well as affecting our posture. You should see a specialist trained in treating this type of pain.
Bone Pain
The bones of the body can also be a source of pain, such as arthritis which a lot of people suffer with. Usually this pain is generated in the joints where two or more bones connect. In a normal joint two bones meet with smooth, dovetail type accuracy. If this joint is compressed for any reason it can cause a grinding that wears the cartilage and causes pain. Bone spurs or areas of bony growth can also cause pain both by pushing on delicate soft tissue and/or interfering with normal joint function.
Combinations of Pain Types
Although we would like to remedy one type of pain with pain relief medication, often, one type of pain can cause pain from other sources. For example, if you have nerve damage, the tendency is to tense the surrounding muscles, which then causes its own level of pain. The tight muscles can then cause compression in the joint spaces that cause bone pain. These multiple pain sources can be overwhelming and should be addressed by a medical professional.
Depending on their origin headaches can also be one of the most debilitating types of pain. They often force one into the isolation of complete darkness and silence, as in a severe migraine headache. Again, you should seek out a medical professional for any prolonged conditions.
The information on All Safety Products First Aid resource section details information that can further assist you in selecting the correct safety First Aid products to ensure ANSI compliance as well as other applicable codes.
Contact All Safety Products today to direct you to the different types of first aid products like headache tablets and other pain relief medications, emergency medical kits and portable eyewash stations, so you can choose the products that best meet your needs or request a quote for pain relief medications and headache tablets to keep your employees productive in a comfortable environment.