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Savings / Safety Tips for January 2018 from All Safety Products, Inc.

Use Combustion Heaters With Caution!

Portable heating equipment can be deadly when used improperly. According to the National Fire Protection Association, about 40 percent of fires related to home heating involved a space heater. Of deaths related to home heating, 84 percent were related to a space heater.

Combustion heaters that burn kerosene or propane require the most care to use properly. Kerosene heaters and other combustion heaters produce carbon monoxide, an invisible but deadly gas. Combustion heaters must be vented to the outside to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. If the heater is not vented, it's important to make sure there is a source of fresh air. Keep a window open about an inch when using an unvented heater. Keep the wicks clean and make sure the fuel is clean. All heaters must be at least 36 inches away from anything that can burn. Never leave them on when you are not in the room, or when you go to sleep. Never dry clothing on a heater.

Most modern kerosene and propane heaters have switches that turn off the device when it is tipped. But, it is essential that the heaters not be left on when there is no one at home or while everyone is sleeping. The devices must be monitored. Children and pets should always be kept away from the device, which will be hot.

Fireplaces: Have the chimney inspected prior to the start of the heating season and cleaned if necessary. Creosote builds up in chimneys and causes chimney fires. Always use a sturdy screen when burning. Remember to burn only wood. (Never burn paper or pine boughs.) And never use flammable liquids in a fireplace.

Wood stoves: Be sure the stove meets local fire codes and is properly installed and maintained. Chimney connections should be inspected at the beginning of each heating season. Follow the same safety rules for wood stoves as for space heaters. Burn only wood, and be sure the stove has approved stove board below it and behind it to protect floors and walls.

Healthy Tip For 2018: Don't Drink too much coffee!

(Editor's Note: Sorry if this a irritating rub to coffee drinkers, but many people rely on a daily dose of caffeine to get their day started.)

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are risks associated with drinking too much coffee too often. When used in moderation, caffeine is prized for its ability to help people stay alert. Once the intake surpasses about 400 milligrams, about four cups of brewed coffee, however, users might experience more harm than good. Side effects of excessive use can include headaches, irritability, nervousness, insomnia,irregular heartbeat, upset stomach, and more depending on the person. Some people can be more sensitive to the effects as well, and these symptoms might present themselves with even light or moderate consumption.

Likewise, a sudden increase in the amount consumed can cause harmful effects even in people that haven't noticed any problems in the past. Interactions with certain drugs, like ephedrine or echinacea, can increase the effects of caffeine and lead to more severe health risks like heart attack, seizure, or stroke. Despite the fact that caffeine is often used to help wake people up in the morning, it can also work against a tired individual by disrupting their sleep cycle. Excess consumption, or consuming caffeine late in the day, can delay sleep or limit its therapeutic value. Repeating this cycle for long enough can result in a cumulative sleep debt that starts to cause issues with daytime alertness and focus. Limiting consumption to the morning hours is one of the best ways to help avoid this problem.

Experts say that even the worst side effects of caffeine aren't typically life-threatening, but according to USA Today, it is possible to have too much. It is estimated that a lethal dose of caffeine could be found in somewhere between 50 and 100 cups of coffee, depending on weight, so it is unlikely for a coffee drinker to be in any real danger. If a person is consuming the raw, powdered form of caffeine, however, then as little as a teaspoon could kill.

A Delicious Recipe for January: The humble egg

Try this slow scramble for a creamy delight. Let's first get the bad PR out of the way: Eggs won't raise your risk of stroke, heart attack or heart failure, according to the Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter.

Eggs got a bad rap during the last 20 years because it was thought that they significantly raised levels of cholesterol. Current research shows that saturated fat is the primary culprit in heart disease risk, according to Live Science. Eggs are high in cholesterol (186 milligrams total with 184 of that in the yolk), but they're low in saturated fat (1.6 grams in the yolk). People who eat a healthy diet, rich in fiber, vegetables, and fruits, can safely eat an egg each day, writes dietitian Katherine Tallmadge.

That brings us to a very common recipe: scrambled eggs. You see them in different forms depending on who's cooking: Flat as a pancake, lumpy and rubbery, or the dreamy creamy. Here's how to make the perfect scrambled eggs that are soft and creamy. The key is cooking them long and slow, according to The Kitchen. Set the heat on a very low setting and plan to let the eggs slowly transition from liquid to solid over about 10 to 15 minutes. Stir frequently to make the eggs end up with small curds that have the texture of ricotta cheese.

Recipe for Low and slow creamy scrambled eggs


2 or more large eggs
1 teaspoon butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
Pepper to taste
1 Tablespoon cream
chopped herbs (optional)


Warm your pan on the stove over low heat before putting anything in it.

Then put in the butter and let it melt.

Whisk eggs in a bowl, vigorously enough that the whites and yolks are mixed and frothy.

Add salt, pepper, and cream.

Whisk to mix.

Add herbs if desired.

Pour eggs into the pan in a thin layer

Cook slowly for 10 to 15 minutes.

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