Safety and Savings Tips For August 2013, from All Safety Products, Inc.
FILE OFFICE HAZARDS UNDER SAFETY!If you think you're immune from accidents just because you work in an office, think again. Hazards lurk everywhere from file cabinets to copiers. In fact, OSHA estimates that there are 40,000 disabling office injuries each year, including 200 that are fatal. Falls are the number one cause of office accidents. The disabling injury rate for falls among office workers is at least twice the rate for nonoffice employees.
Keep drawers closed, clean up coffee spills, and don't lean too far backward in office chairs. Accidents involving electricity are also frequent. With so much office machinery running on electricity, accidents can occur as a result of faulty or defective equipment, unsafe installation, and poor safety practices. Inspect electrical equipment and cords regularly. If equipment sparks, smokes, or smells, shut it off and report the problem right away. A neat, organized office will also go a long way in preventing accidents. Be sure to follow safe housekeeping practices around the office. Finally, tragedies like 9/11 have shown us how important it is to plan for fires and emergencies in offices. Know your company's emergency plan. Avoid fires by making sure all heat-producing equipment like coffee makers, copiers, and computers are shut off at the end of the workday.
Read the MSDS! (currently this is known as SDS)
Find out all you need to know to protect yourself!
There are probably over a million chemical products now in use commercially. No matter what your job is, you'll likely come into contact with at least a few of these products. The purpose of this article isn't to alarm you, however. You don't have to worry about being harmed by the chemicals you use in your work. You just have to be aware of the hazards and take the necessary precautions. Whenever you're given a new chemical to work with, you'll be thoroughly trained in how to use it safely. But you'll also want to learn more about the chemical on your own.
To do that, you need to check the material safety data sheet (MSDS/SDS), which will explain any hazards associated with the chemical and what you need to do to protect yourself from harm.
The MSDS will tell you the most likely route the chemical will take to get into your body should you be exposed. It will also tell you the personal protective equipment (PPE) you need to minimize the chance of any exposure, by any route.
Furthermore, it will explain the safety procedures you need to follow when handling the particular chemical in order to keep safe. In addition, it will tell you exactly what to do if, despite precautions, you are exposed to the chemical.
A Close Look at Close Calls
Why it's so important to learn from near misses!
There's a serious danger in thinking of near misses, which don't result in injury or damage, as something like a scary scene in a movie. While it's frightening for a few moments, since no real harm is done, it's quickly forgotten. But if we don't correct the condition or behavior that caused the close call, it's very likely that there will be other unreported incidents and finally-with just the right combination of circumstances-a serious or fatal accident. In fact, safety experts say that for every fatal accident there are 3 to 5 nonfatal accidents and 10 to 15 reported incidents without injury. Of course, there may also be literally hundreds of unreported incidents as well. A close call or a near miss should therefore be regarded as a red flag-a sign that something is very wrong and requires attention. It's a call to action, to find out what the problem is and how to fix it. Sometimes the cause is obvious; sometimes it takes more work to root out and correct the trouble. The key point is that a near miss should never be ignored. For every near miss situation that is analyzed and corrected, there will be fewer accidents in our workplace. That's good news for all of us.
Portable Ladder accidents are one of the leading causes of occupational fatalities and injuries, https://www.osha.gov/Publications/portable_ladder_qc.html . Help to prevent these accidents with All Safety Products ladder and scaffolding safety products .
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