Safety and Savings Tips for August 2012 From All Safety Products, Inc.
OSHA Is Running A National Campaign To Prevent Heat Illness in Outdoor WorkersHEAT ILLNESS CAN BE DEADLY. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some even die. These illnesses and deaths are preventable.
Who is affected?
What is heat illness?
How can heat illness be prevented?
OSHA's nationwide outreach campaign is currently raising awareness among workers and employers about the hazards of working outdoors in hot weather. The educational resources page gives workers and employers information about heat illnesses and how to prevent them. There are also training tools for employers to use and posters to display at their worksites. Many of the new resources on the above link target vulnerable workers with limited English proficiency. OSHA will continue to add information and tools to this page throughout the summer.
Hurricane Preparedness and Response
Planning - It is important to have an evacuation plan in place to ensure that workers can get to safety in case a hurricane may affect the area.
A thorough evacuation plan should include:
Conditions that will activate the plan
Chain of command
Emergency functions and who will perform them
Specific evacuation procedures, including routes and exits
Procedures for accounting for personnel, customers and visitors
Equipment for personnel
Tornado Preparedness and Response
Tornados can occur with little or no warning. Taking precautions in advance of the storms, such as developing an emergency plan, learning the warning signs, and monitoring tornado watches and warnings, can help you stay safe if a tornado occurs in your area.
OSHA's web page is designed to help businesses and their employees prepare for tornados, and to provide information about hazards that workers may face in the aftermath of a tornado.
7 keys to living through a fire.
The Great American Fire Drill.
No one wants to hear the sound of sirens as fire trucks scream through the streets. But fires are a reality. That's why having an escape plan-and practicing it-are such crucial steps for families..
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) suggests the following when making an escape plan for your family.
1. Have two ways out of every room in your house.
2. Have the number to call posted in case of a fire emergency.
3. Establish a place outside for members of the family to meet in case the house must be evacuated.
4. Make sure bedroom windows open easily for a possible escape route.
5. Practice and establish that children can unlock doors and can open doors and windows with ease.
6. Test smoke alarms regularly and change the batteries at least once a year.
7. If the house has a second floor, have an escape ladder that can be dropped down from the upstairs window.
NFPA also stresses general fire prevention and lists a series of checks to be made in the home to lessen the chances for a fire. Go to www.nfpa.org for a home escape plan grid and home safety checklist.
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