Safety and Savings Tips for May 2012 From All Safety Products, Inc.
Lockout/Tagout saves lives - Lock it and Tag It.That doesn't seem so difficult and yet simple lock-out/tag-out procedures are often misused and misunderstood. Lockout/Tagout is the fifth most violated standard of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). One United Auto Workers study showed that 20 percent of fatalities in the workplace from 1973 to 1995 were caused by failures to follow the procedure. Lockout/Tagout keeps people safe from electrical accidents and injuries. It is required for machines and equipment to allow contractors making repairs to proceed.
There are four types of tags:
Energy for servicing and maintenance.
Process for production purposes.
Information to impart information.
Danger Do-Not-Use tags for defective tools and equipment.
The application of the Lockout/Tagout must be within sight of the service area. It tells everyone that repairs are ongoing. Most locks have the names or pictures, plus contact numbers, for those authorized to unlock and untag each device.
Smoke Alarms: A sound you can live with!
Check the smoke alarms to see what type of batteries they use. Buy new ones and install them. Don't wait until an alarm beeps to indicate a low battery. Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and outside sleeping areas. Do it now, not some other time.
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