Safety Ear Muffs
Ear Muffs, Communication Headsets, Hearing Protection
All Safety Products, Inc. provides a variety of ear muffs*, communication headsets, and hearing protection products that include radio headsets, Alert AM/FM Radio headsets, Optime communications products, Optime 101, 105, 95 and 98 series, powercom, noise blocking ear muffs, NRR30, Bilsom products, AOSafety products, Peltor items, Viking product line, Leightning, NRR27, medium attenuation radio headsets, and high attenuation radio headsets.
*To ensure you are meeting OSHA requirements and other applicable safety standards and practices, it is best to hire a professional safety consultant ( or call your local OSHA area office or your state OSHA Consultation Services for their interpretation of your situation.