Charitable Organizations / Community Outreach Information
At All Safety Products, Inc., we are concerned with all elements of safety to include the safety, health and welfare of individuals around the world, regardless of creed, nationality or religion. For now, we have selected a few organizations and community outreach which are making a dramatic impact worldwide in their humanitarian efforts and also in our local community.
We do periodically review new organizations and base our selection with at least the following criteria: (1) What are the stated goals and mission statement of Organization? (2) Is Organization spending an excessive amount on
salaries and marketing expenses (ratio of volunteers to staff, percentage of money spent on object of charity (persons, places or things) they are helping? (3) What are the Financial Accountability Organizations the organization belongs
to, to ensure they have a objective financial review of their organization? and (4) What do others say about their organization, (Testimonies, Press, etc.)?
To be considered for inclusion on our website, please submit letters and requests only during the month of December for the upcoming year. We evaluate new organizations once a year. Our mailing address is All Safety Products, Inc., Attn: Charitable Organizations Listing, P.O. Box 6353, Lakewood, CA 90714. Sorry, but we are not accepting E-mails, only letter correspondence. No telephone calls please.